TRC Staff
& Trustees
We work as a team with a number of creative counsellors, supervisors, psychotherapists and other professionals who we contract in to work with our children, young people and adults. We also provide placements for a number of trainees therapists. Every member of our team has regular clinical supervision, according to their level of training and the requirements of their regulating body. Here is some information on the core staff team in the Therapy Centre:

Rosy Corbin
Centre: TRC Guernsey
Job: Clinical Lead, DSO, Play Therapist & Social Worker, Type 3 Trauma
BSc in Social Work and Applied Social Studies (University of Bath)
MA in Counselling and Psychotherapy
Post Graduate Diploma in Play Therapy (PTUK)
Advanced Diploma in the Therapeutic and Educational Application of the Arts (The Institute for Arts in Therapy and Education)

Eleanor Williams
Centre: TRC Bath
Job: Music Therapist, Type 3 Trauma
MA Music (Uni of Bristol)
MA in Music Therapy (Uni of West of England)
BA Music (Uni of Bristol)
Registered Music Therapist (HCPC)
More about Eleanor

Esther Green
Centre: TRC Bath
Art Psychotherapist, DDSO, Type 3 Trauma
MA Art Psychotherapy
Foundation in Art Therapy (City of Bath College)
BSc (Hons) Early Childhood Studies (University Bristol)
More about Esther

Jess Nash
Centre: TRC Bath & TRC Oxford
Job: Play Therapist & DSO
Type 2 Trauma
Certificate in Therapeutic Mentoring
BSc in Social Work and Applied Social Studies (University of Bath)
Post Graduate Diploma in Play Therapy (PTUK)
More about Jess

Rachel Banham
Centre: TRC Bath
Job: Play Therapist, Type 2 Trauma
Certificate in Therapeutic Mentoring
Post Graduate Diploma in Play Therapy (PTUK)
Certificate in Counselling Skills Network (Uni of Gloucestershire)
DipHE Nursing Studies (adult) (Kings College London)
More about Rachel

Sophie Soar
Centre: TRC Bath
Job: Music Therapist, Parenting Support Worker & Referrals Lead, Type 3 Trauma
PGDip Music Therapy
MA Music Therapy
Registered Music Therapist (HCPC)
MFA Writing for Children and Young People (Manchester Metropolitan University)
BA (Hons) History of Art (University of Leeds)
More about Sophie

Vanessa Battle
Centre: TRC Guernsey
Job: Occupational Therapist, Type 2 Trauma
Certificate in Therapeutic Mentoring
MSc Health through Occupation and Post Graduate Diploma Occupational Therapy from University of Brighton
BSc Biomedical Science (Cardiff University)
Post Graduate Diploma in Sensory Integration & Advanced SI Practitioner Status (through Sensory Integration Network.)

Dannii Gray
Centre: TRC Bath
Job: Therapeutic Mentor,
Parenting Support Worker, Type 2 Trauma
Certificate in Therapeutic Mentoring
Ascentile Level 3 Certificate in Forest School Programme Leadership
BSc Psychology (University of Bath)

Sally Herring
Centre: TRC Guernsey
Job: Parenting Support Worker & Referrals Admin, Type 2 Trauma
Certificate in Therapeutic Mentoring

Lauren Fisher
Centre: TRC Bath
Job: Play Therapist, Type 1 Trauma
Certificate in Therapeutic Mentoring
MSc Play Therapy (University of South Wales)
BSc Environmental Science (Bath Spa University)
More about Lauren

Diane James
Centre: TRC Guernsey
Job: Therapeutic Mentor & Trainee Play Therapist, Type 1 Trauma
Working towards Post Graduate Diploma in Play Therapy (PTUK)
MSC in Speech and Language Pathology and Therapy from University of London
CACHE Level 3 Diploma for the Early Years Workforce
BA American Studies and English Literature (Derby University)
More about Diane

Dave Cable
Job: Safeguarding Consultant
Criminal Justice Degree (University of Wolverhampton)
Effective Practice Certificate in Youth Justice
Public Leadership and Management (masters) including INLOGOV level 7 apprenticeship (University of Birmingham) - pending July 2023
More about Dave
Trauma Recovery UK Admin Team

Kate Blanshard
Job: General Manager
Certificate of Therapeutic Mentoring
Working towards Post Graduate Diploma in Play Therapy (PTUK)
Certificate in Therapeutic Play Skills, PTUK
Counselling Children & Adolescents Level 4, ABC Awards & Certa Awards
LLB (College of Law)
BA Modern History (University of Oxford)
More about Kate

Heather Brown
Job: Operations Manager
Certificate in Therapeutic Mentoring
BSc Hons Computer Information Systems
Business Owner and Founder
More about Heather

Claire Tinker
Job: Senior Administration: Clinical Data Analyst and EA to the Chair of Trustees
Certificate in Therapeutic Mentoring
MSc Health Psychology (University of Bath)
BSC in Human Psychology Aston University
More about Claire

Jess Nash
Job: Grants and Admin, Social Media
Certificate in Therapeutic Mentoring
BSc in Social Work and Applied Social Studies (University of Bath)
Post Graduate Diploma in Play Therapy (PTUK)
More about Jess

Rowan Fisher
Job: Finance Assistant
Currently studying towards ACCA Accountancy Qualification
More about Rowan

Sarah Hawkins
Job: Graphics
Certificate in Therapeutic Mentoring
BA Graphic Communication (Bath Spa University)
More about Sarah

Lauren Fisher
Job: Clinical Admin Assistant
Certificate in Therapeutic Mentoring
MSc Play Therapy (University of South Wales)
BSc Environmental Science (Bath Spa University)
More about Lauren

Sarah Price
Job: Admin Assistant
BA (hons) Music with Music Marketing and Administration (Chichester University)
MA Music Therapy (University of West of England)
More about Sarah
TRC Trustees

Betsy de Thierry (Chair)
Betsy founded the TRC in 2011 and was the CEO for the first eight years, having written the Trauma Recovery Focused Pathway as the framework which the TRC follow. She is a psychotherapist with over 30 years experience of working with vulnerable children, young people and adults. Betsy has authored 7 best selling books on trauma recovery and is recognised internationally as a trauma recovery expert. She is a highly specialised trauma recovery consultant and trains 1000’s of professionals a year and still has a commitment to supporting the TRC to continue to strengthen in its specialist work of helping people recover from trauma.

Mary Patterson
Mary is a secondary school teacher in a Bath school. She is passionate about supporting children and young people who have faced difficulties and has a special interest in children with challenging behaviour.

Laura Wood
Laura Wood is a paediatric doctor and PhD researcher with the Centre for Child & Family Justice Research at Lancaster University. She has a special interest in Child Trafficking, Modern Slavery and the wellbeing of these children, their families and communities. Laura enjoys training health professionals on child trauma & recovery, parenting after trauma and modern slavery. She advocates for trauma-informed care of abuse survivors within local and national systems of care.

Malachi Dingis
Malachi is a Customer Support Manager and part of the management team at citrus HR. He has a passion in creating clear company visions, developing processes to bring that vision into fruition.
Malachi had also mentored youth for the last 10 years bringing exuberance and acceptance to many youth that have needed it.
Malachi is a husband and father of 2 daughters, one of which has received help and support from the TRC. Malachi moved to Bath to complete a BSc in sports and exercise science, having lived in 4 different countries and over 10 different schools.

Katie Bassett
Katie Bassett lives and works in Guernsey and is a Consultant Nurse. Katie currently works with patients who have acute or chronic/persistent pain and has supported patients, devised treatment plans and developed services for the past 26 years. Katie trained at the Royal London Hospital, working in ICU specialising in trauma, neurosurgery and cardiac services.
Katie specialises in all aspects of pain management, especially non-medication based strategies that directly affect pain thresholds and can change the pain experience. Katie is passionate about seeing people make changes in response to their persistent pain that engenders hope and a chance of recovery. This goes hand in hand with supporting the work of the TRC, about which Katie is equally passionate.

Rowan Fisher -
Company Secretary
Rowan is Company Secretary for Trauma Recovery UK. Rowan is currently working towards his ACCA Accountancy qualification.
Regulating Bodies
Each professional working at the TRC is regulated by their own professional body. They are all clinically supervised by an external clinical supervisor who is approved by their regulating body.
Play Therapy (PTUK)
British Association of Art Therapists (BAAT)
British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP)
British Association Music Therapy (BAMT)
Health and Care Professionals Council (HCPC)
UK Council for Psychotherapy (UKCP)

Lizzie Ferbrache
Centre: TRC Guernsey
Job: Therapeutic Mentor, Type 1 Trauma
Certificate in Therapeutic Mentoring
Level 3 Diploma in Childcare and Education
More about Lizzie

Caroline Rossiter
Centre: TRC Oxford
Job: Creative Child Psychotherapist, Type 3 Trauma
Advanced Diploma in ‘The therapeutic and educational application of the arts’ from The Institute for ARTS in Therapy and Education
ABC Level 4 Diploma in Therapeutic Counselling from ABC Awards
MA in Integrative Child Psychotherapy from University of East London
More about Caroline

Kate Blanshard
Centre: TRC Oxford
Job: Parenting Support Worker &
Trainee Play Therapist, Type 1 Trauma
Certificate of Therapeutic Mentoring
Working towards Post Graduate Diploma in Play Therapy (PTUK)
Certificate in Therapeutic Play Skills, PTUK
Counselling Children & Adolescents Level 4, ABC Awards & Certa Awards
LLB (College of Law)
BA Modern History (University of Oxford)
More about Kate

Sarah Price
Centre: TRC Bath & TRC Oxford
Job: Music Therapist & Therapeutic Mentor,
Type 1 Trauma
BA (hons) Music with Music Marketing and Administration (Chichester University)
MA Music Therapy (University of West of England)
More about Sarah

Chloe Saxton
Centre: TRC Bath
Job: Therapeutic Mentor
Certificate of Therapeutic Mentoring
PGCE (University Wales Institute, Swansea)
Certificate of Higher Education, Dance Studies & Art for the Community (Roehampton University)
Group Fitness Instructor, Level 3
Rainbow Kids Yoga and YogaFaith certification
BA (Hons) Interior Architecture (University of Wales Institute, Cardiff
More about Chloe

Michael Ifil
Centre: TRC Bath
Job: Therapeutic Mentor
Currently training for NVQ L3 Children & Young People’s Workforce
DIP in Advocacy (Mental Health) - C&G, NVQ L4
Certificate in Psychotherapy & Counselling
Diploma in Life Coaching
More about Michael

Rhiana Quick
Centre: TRC Guernsey
Job: Therapeutic Mentor
Certificate in Therapeutic Mentoring
BA (hons) Education Studies